Book Review: We Were on a Break

I’ve just read “We Were on a Break” by Lindsey Kelk. 30813401

I’ve never been one for reading romantic fiction but I actually really like Lindsey Kelk’s work and this is another book of hers which I enjoyed.

It’s basically about a proposal which doesn’t happen and then the relationship starts unravelling. It’s all about making stupid mistakes, being scared of getting things wrong, growing up and finding your own happiness with your own identity. And love, of course!

I find there are so many characters meddling in Adam and Liv’s relationship and lives, even though they mean well, the whole “he said, she said” thing gets frustrating and you can see why relationships break down when other people get involved.

It’s nice that this book is narrated from the point of view of both Adam and Liv so we see what they’re both thinking and how they see various events from their point of view. It also makes you want to bang their heads together and realise how stupid they’re being!

I found myself getting emotionally involved in this book, which isn’t a bad thing as it’s so well-written that you really care about the characters and want things to work out okay in the end for them.

I give it 8/10!

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